Media appearances
TV and radio appearances, interviews
14/05/2021 - This is the question - New elements of the National Talent Program (guests: Judit Polgár (chess grandmaster), Dr. Zsófia Papp (Director of the National Talent Center), Dr. Kata Kovács (pediatrician), Lionel Majzik (astrophotographer)
13/09/2023 - - Wonderful photo of the Nishimura comet taken from Tápiószentmárton
16/08/2022 - - An extraordinary sight in Tápióbicske: storks visited the church
04/01/2022 - - Hungarian astronomer takes a breathtaking photo of Comet Leonard
05/07/2020 - News - A naked eye comet has appeared in the sky
Karc FM
20/12/2019 - Spájz - Interview with the members of the Hungarian Astrophotographers Association. Participants: Iván Éder, Péter Feltóti, László Francsics, Lionel Majzik. Host: Margó Petz (PHOTOS)
09/12/2021 - Mozaik - The most spectacular comet of the year is coming. A discussion about astrophotography and the appearance of Comet C/2021 A1 (Leonard). Host: Zalán Vizi
Promontor TV - Budapest XXII. kerület
14/12/2022 - Summary of the last Council meeting of 2022
03/11/2022 - Out-of-this-world photos
08/05/2017 - XVI Research Children's Science Conference
Tápió+ Magazin
17/11/2024 - Comet hunting in Tápióbicske
10/09/2023 - World Photography Day in Tápióbicske
29/04/2018 - From stars to human - Astrophotography exhibition by Lionel Majzik in Tápióbicske
19/02/2018 - Starwatchers. Promotion film of the Hungarian Astronomical Association, Hungarian documentary (75 min, 2018). Directed by Balázs SzÅ‘ke.
In print
Journal für Astronomie - Vereinigung der Sternfreunde e. V.
2018/IV. (Nr. 67.) - Die Farben des Mondes - Schritt für Schritt (cover photo, p. 1 and 35)
2024 - The Fork-Tailed Comet C/2023 P1 (Nishimura) (p. 94); Royal Observatory Greenwich. Collins; London, UK.
2022 - Catch the Moon (p. 71), Cosmic Rose (p. 95), C/2021 A1 (Leonard) (p. 100); Royal Observatory Greenwich. Collins; London, UK.
2017 - Waxing Crescent (p. 157); Royal Observatory Greenwich. Collins; London, UK.
The Astrophotographer's Guidebook: A Complete Guide to the Best Astrophotography Targets of the Year
2017 - NGC 869 & NGC 884; Double Cluster in Perseus (p. 140); Galactic Hunter. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
2023/5-6 (827-828) - Obiekty układu słonecznego (pp. 60-62)
2023/2 (824) - X edycja konkursu (p. 64)
March-April 2022 (2022/2) - From far to close, then to infinity (pp. 4-6)
January-February 2021 (2021/1) - The mysterious life of comets (pp. 6-8)
Spring 2020 special issue (2020/3) - The Traffic in Taurus (pp. 6-7)
2023 - Comet C/2021 A1 (Leonard) tail disconnection (plate VIII), M81-82 galaxy pair (plate XV), Hungarian Astronomical Association, Budapest.
Astronomy Yearbook 2025 - The aurora of 5 November 2023 near Tápióbicske (image attachment)
December 2024 (LIV/12) - Constellations 2024 (pp. 32-33)
July-August 2024 (LIV/7-8) - Northern Lights (cover photo)
May 2024 (LIV/5) - Trio of M81, M82 and NGC 3077 with galactic cirrus
February 2024 (LIV/2) - C/2017 K2 (PANSTARRS) and LBN 35, LBN 39
January 2024 (LIV/1) - Partial lunar eclipse on 28 October 2023, Aurora Borealis on 5 November 2023, Venus occultation during the day on 9 November 2023 (image attachment)
November 2023 (LIII/11) - Dawn visitor (cover photo)
June 2023 (LIII/6) - National Geographic Hungary's astrophotography project turns ten (pp. 22-25)
November 2022 (LII/11) - Constellations 2022 (pp. 32-34)
November 2022 (LII/11) - Cosmic Rose (image attachment)
September 2022 (LII/9) - Conjunction of the crescent Moon, Venus and Mars (image attachment)
February 2022 (LII/2) - Comet Leonard (cover photo and leading article on p. 3)
September 2021 (LI/9) - "Saharan" Full Moon (image attachment)
July-August 2021 (LI/7-8) - What a tail, what a coma, I've been waiting for this for years! (article on pp. 60-69 and image attachment)
May 2021 (LI/5) - Generation change - Gábor Fűrész and Lionel Majzik talked (pp. 34-38)
May 2021 (LI/5) - Remote observation: the Carina Nebula (cover photo)
January 2021 (LI/1) - Guest in the Orion (article on p. 32 and image attachment)
November 2020 (L/11) - The conjunction of C/2017 T2 (PANSTARRS) and the Messier 106 galaxy (image attachment)
November 2020 (L/11) - The conjunction of comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) and comet C/2017 T2 (PANSTARRS) (image attachment)
September 2020 (L/9) - Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) (cover photo)
January 2020 (L/1) - The Bubble Nebula (article on p. 23 and image attachment)
Astronomy Yearbook 2019 - The tenth supernova in Fireworks Galaxy (image attachment)
June 2018 (XLVIII/6) - The Carina Nebula (image attachment)
June 2018 (XLVIII/6) - You can look at the Sun, but you can also look at the sunspot! (pp. 30-32)
January 2008 (XXXVIII/1) - Astronomy Week in the Tápió Region (p. 66)
September 2007 (XXXVII/9) - The HAA Tápió Region Group was founded (p. 62)
2024 - The Magical Comet Nishimura (p. 21), The Encounter of Comet C/2020 V2 (ZTF) and NGC 300 (pp. 32-33); Hungarian Astrophotographers Association, Budapest.
2023 - C/2022 E3 (ZTF) and Mars (p. 49), Celestial Dragonfly (p. 95); Hungarian Astrophotographers Association, Budapest.
2022 - C/2021 A1 (Leonard) (pp. 36-37), Cosmic Rose (p. 41); Hungarian Astrophotographers Association, Budapest.
Csillag-Képek Asztrofotó Kiállítás - 2021 legszebb magyar asztrofotói
2021 - Catch the Moon (p. 12), Cosmic Traffic (p. 40), Eta Carinae (p. 68), Guest in the Orion (p. 88); Hungarian Astrophotographers Association, Budapest.
Jászkürt - Jászberény
03/10/2019 (XXXI/40) - Explorers' afternoon in the library (pp. 1 and 6)
04/10/2018 (XXX/40) - Long night in the campus (pp. 1 and 5)
April 2024 (2024/1) - Report on my activities in 2023 (pp. 25-26)
April 2023 (2023/1) - Report on my activities over the past year (pp. 18-20)
April 2022 (2022/1) - Report on my activities over the past year (pp. 21-22)
December 2021 (2021/2) - In search of the Star of Bethlehem (pp. 3-4)
July 2021 (2021/1.) - Report on my activities over the past year (cover photo, pp. 27-28)
​​​​​​​November 2020 (2020/2) - Municipal and Mayoral awards (pp. 7-8)
April 2020 (2020/1.) - Lionel Majzik's exhibitions (p. 10)
November 2018 (2018/3.) - About my exhibited pictures (cover photo, p. 14)
November 2017 (2017/3.) - Astrophotographer Lionel Majzik was in London (p. 17)
August 2016 (2016/2.) - Young talents of our village (pp. 19-20)
2022 - M13 (p. 70), M16 and M17 (p. 163); Castell Nova Kft., Sopron.
2021 - Observations received by the Hungarian Astronomical Association: 19 photographs (pp. 16-157); Hungarian Astronomical Association, Budapest.
18/11/2007 (VIII/22) - Autumn astronomy week on the anniversary of the beginning of space exploration (p. 6)
18/01/2007 (VIII/1) - Expected astronomical events in 2007 (cover page and p. 10)
05/07/2022 - Autumn supermoons to stunning Saturn: These are the year's most jaw-dropping astronomy images
17/09/2024 - A huge success for Hungarian astrophotographers
04/09/2024 - Hungarian photographers achieve success in an international astrophotography competition
31/03/2024 - Astrophoto of March 2024: Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks
27/02/2024 - Celestial phenomena in the first half of March 2024
27/07/2023 - Celestial phenomena in the first half of August 2023
27/05/2023 - National Geographic Hungary's astrophotography project reaches its tenth anniversary
24/02/2023 - Visitor from afar
13/01/2023 - Celestial phenomena in the second half of January 2022
29/01/2022 - Best astrophotos of 2021
31/12/2021 - Astrophoto of December 2021: Comet of the year
24/04/2021 - Picture of the day: The Orion Nebula
14/06/2020 - Celestial phenomena in the second half of June 2020
31/05/2020 - Astrophoto of May 2020: The Pleiades
15/09/2019 - Celestial phenomena in the second half of September 2019
31/12/2018 - Astrophoto of December 2018: the brightest comet of the year
25/12/2018 - Picture of the day: Christmas wonders
02/09/2018 - Special discovery by a Hungarian amateur astronomer
31/05/2018 - Astrophoto of May 2018: The Moon in colour
04/10/2017 - Picture of the day: Summer Triangle
30/09/2017 - Astrophoto of September 2017: The cratered Moon
13/09/2017 - Picture of the day: The truncated Moon emerged from the foliage
05/07/2022 - Incredible pictures of the Milky Way, Northern Lights and planets beaming through the darkness of space are shortlisted for Astronomy Photographer of the Year
Science Alert
05/07/2022 - Feast Your Eyes on These Soothing Pics Shortlisted For Astro Photographer of The Year
06/07/2022 - In Photos: The 7 Best New Space Images From The ‘Astronomy Photographer Of The Year’ Shortlist
07/07/2022 - Astronomy Photographer of the Year short list stuns with Milky Way, sun and aurora images
New Scientist
10/01/2025 - Comet that could shine as bright as Venus set to be visible from Earth
15/09/2022 - Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2022
13/01/2025 - A Hungarian photographer caught the comet heading towards the Sun
06/01/2025 - Photo of a comet falling towards the Sun
24/10/2024 - This is how the comet of the year passed over Hungary
17/10/2024 - Amazing video of the comet of the year
09/10/2024 - Hungarian astrophotographer captures the beautiful comet
01/10/2024 - Comet captured over Hungary
26/09/2024 - A comet is coming that has never been close to Earth
16/09/2024 - The Hungarians dominated the international astrophotography competition
11/03/2024 - The spectacular comet was captured from Hungary
20/02/2024 - Comet not seen for 70 years returns
08/09/2023 - The new comet was photographed from Hungary
06/09/2023 - Hungarian astrophotographer captures the new comet
20/03/2023 - See how the bright comet marched across the night sky
01/02/2023 - The most beautiful comet of the year was captured from Hungary
03/01/2023 - Photo of the comet last seen by Neanderthals
12/11/2022 - Stunning photos are taken in a back yard in Tápióbicske
19/09/2022 - Space comes to life in dazzling photos
19/07/2022 - Hungarian image to be chosen as astrophotograph of the year
15/07/2022 - Long-awaited comet captured from Hungary
27/06/2022 - Such a celestial phenomenon will never be seen again
07/01/2022 - Stunning photo of the spectacular comet
31/12/2021 - Spectacular photos of the comet of the year
16/12/2021 - Video of the most spectacular comet of the year
02/12/2021 - A spectacular comet to watch in the coming days
14/07/2020 - From tomorrow the comet will be visible in the evening, we show you where to look for it
04/07/2020 - A Hungarian astrophotographer captures a spectacular comet
02/06/2020 - The Crew Dragon was also visible above Tápióbicske
03/04/2020 - Hungarian photo is NASA's APOD
15/03/2024 - A Hungarian astrophotographer has photographed a comet approaching Earth, and the results are stunning
18/09/2022 - Prize-winning photo showing the disconnection of the Comet Leonard's tail
28/06/2022 - A Hungarian photographer has captured the great "planetary alignment", which can be seen only in 500 years
07/01/2022 - A Hungarian astronomer takes a wonderful photo of one of the most anticipated comet
16/11/2024 - Deep-sky photography is a game of precision and patience
01/10/2024 - Special comet photographed over Hungary
17/09/2024 - The Bay of Rainbows, galaxies and a black hole in the images of Hungarian astrophotographers
08/09/2024 - Night has fallen, and they took a photo that we are now staring at
15/07/2023 - Hungarian photographers awarded at AstroCamera 2023 competition
08/03/2023 - The comet that even Neanderthals could see
12/11/2022 - Windows to the Universe
17/09/2022 - Three Hungarian entrants were awarded at the "Oscar Gala" of astrophotography
17/07/2022 - Hungarian Astrophotograph of the Month: The Messier 13 globular cluster
21/09/2022 - The secrets of outer space come to life in the photos of Hungarians
15/05/2021 - Talents are Hungary's national treasures
03/04/2020 - Hungarian photo is the photo of the day at NASA
29/11/2023 - Misty mountain peaks and a magical comet in autumn's best astrophotos
13/03/2023 - Special celestial encounter in the best astrophoto of the month
19/09/2022 - Three Hungarian awards in the world's best astrophotographer competition
28/07/2022 - A beautiful globular cluster is the focus of June's most beautiful astrophoto
03/09/2022 - Here is one of the longest-tailed comet of recent decades
10/02/2022 - A newly discovered comet glows in January’s most beautiful astrophoto
24/09/2021 - A spider hung in to the most beautiful astrophoto of the month
03/09/2021 - An exploding star on the most beautiful astrophoto in February
08/10/2020 - Travel to the stars with Hungary's most beautiful astrophotos
12/09/2024 - Images in Planets, Comets and Asteroids category
16/01/2023 - How to see the green comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF)
31/12/2022 - Space and astronomy highlights in 2023
12/01/2022 - Corporate Sponsorships
29/11/2022 - Night sky highlights - December 2022
10/01/2022 - People's Choice Award: Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2022
15/09/2022 - Images in Planets, Comets and Asteroids category
15/09/2022 - Images in Our Moon category
07/05/2022 - Shortlist revealed: The world's greatest space photography
07/05/2022 - Astronomy Photographer of the Year 14 Shortlist Images Announced
19/09/2017 - What would you do to take the perfect astrophoto? - Der Treffpunkt für Astronomie
12/04/2023 - 15. Woche - Der Kugelsternhaufen Messier 13 - ein gern gesehenes Standardobjekt
28/12/2020 - 53. Woche - Eingebettet in Reflexionsnebel – die Plejaden M 45
04/09/2018 - 36. Woche - Der Kugelsternhaufen M 92 im Herkules
26/09/2017 - 39. Woche - Noch einmal: NGC 6946 und NGC 6939
13/01/2025 - Another bright comet near the Sun
06/10/2022 - Results of the Astrophotographer of the Year 2022 competition published
25/11/2021 - Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko with the open clusters of Gemini
08/10/2021 - Programme: astrophotography exhibition opens in the Hungarian Natural History Museum
28/06/2021 - "Saharan" full moon
06/12/2020 - Guest in the Orion
16/08/2020 - Comets when they meet
04/07/2020 - The Comet NEOWISE has emerged from the Sun's rays, and it looks very promising in the photos
05/04/2020 - Traffic in Taurus
16/02/2020 - Comet and open cluster
03/05/2019 - Guest star in the spiral galaxy
28/02/2019 - Comet guest
02/01/2019 - Comet Wirtanen: moving away
05/12/2018 - Comet Wirtanen has arrived
15/08/2018 - A faint variable star burst discovered by a Hungarian amateur astronomer
11/08/2018 - The smaller globular cluster of Hercules
02/07/2018 - Photo report from the eighth meeting of solar observers
04/04/2018 - The miracles of Carina
31/08/2017 - The fireworks continue
20/02/2008 - Photo gallery of the lunar eclipse on 21 February
18/06/2007 - Pillars in the clouds - photos from Monday's Venus occultation
04/03/2007 - Pictures of the lunar eclipse on 3/4 March
07/01/2007 - McNaught: the most beautiful comet of the century
08/09/2006 - Pictures of the lunar eclipse on 7 September
01/10/2024 - A never-before-seen comet photographed in Hungary
17/05/2020 - Vital support for talented young people
24/12/2020 - Advent Talent Calendar Day 24
06/05/2020 - Congratulations to our Scholar! - Photo of the day at NASA
13/09/2024 - Hungarian success at the Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2024
01/09/2024 - Hungarian success at the AstroCamera 2024 Awards ceremony
01/10/2023 - Astrophoto of the month - September 2023 - The Magical Comet Nishimura
05/07/2023 - Hungarian success at the AstroCamera 2023 Awards ceremony
06/04/2023 - Constellations 2022 - Interview with László Francsicsics
01/03/2023 - Astrophoto of the month - February 2023 - C/2022 E3 (ZTF) and Mars
12/01/2023 - Another Hungarian success in the Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition
01/06/2022 - Astrophoto of the month - June 2022 - Messier 13 globular cluster
15/02/2022 - A glimpse of the 'Leonard comet from our country and the southern hemisphere
01/02/2022 - Astrophoto of the month - January 2022 - Comet Leonard on 27 December 2021
08/11/2021 - Constellations 2021 report
01/08/2021 - Astrophoto of the month - August 2021 - Trapped
01/03/2021 - Astrophoto of the month - February 2021 - Eta Carinae
14/07/2020 - The best pictures of the Comet NEOWISE so far
05/05/2018 - Lionel Majzik exhibition in Szentendre